Wednesday, January 26, 2011

new i'm bored post

So, I suppose to others, post too much on facebook. ok, i found a solution. thing is, i might've done this too late, as the days of me sitting in bed watching lame tv will soon hopefully be over. I am feeling better, both mentally and health-wise. this does not mean that i wont be posting when i cant sleep.
 in case you are wondering why i have started a blog, it's simply out of boredom, or what i have to say takes up too many posts, or too much time away from those meaning-less i only play those fb games when i really have nothing better to do. i've looked for over a week for a good 'im bored games' web sites, with hardly any avail. i get distracted from them easy, and simply just wanna play a word game, sodoku, or anything that doesn't require my full attention and constant checking farmville, i'm pretty sure my animals have died, and my crops withered. cafe something or other, all my food spoils. that fish game? my fish died within a few days i bet. and i think my community in cityville has turned into a ghetto.
 my punctuation and grammar are of no need to be proper- come on now its the INTERNET. how many of you do useless mind numbing things on here like watch porn, read terrible blogs as such this one, play retarded games that really get you no further in life, and so on. no wonder why america is fat. technology has simply taken away our need to go outside and take a look at whats around. not saying that all of you are in the statistic, but in general this so called 'wonderful thing' has caused us to not only see each other in person, but take over our entire lives.
 which leads me to this. i agree, that without the internet, so many questions would remain un answered. you can go online to find health answers, look for jobs, find long lost friends/family, stay in touch with people overseas whom it would otherwise cost a gajillion bucks to talk to on the phone, find tips on sooooo many different subjects- virtually anything you want except for plastic surgery. even is gonna be possible in some way, shape or form. this damn thing however, has yet to produce food for me. that would be nice, like in 5th element she put powder on a plate in the microwave for barely 5 seconds and pulls out a fully cooked whole chicken. if i can spy on, or get spied on, they should find a way to make this food thing happen (other than being able to order pizza on the internet.)
 okay, that's enough for the moment. i just ate some of my food experiment- penne pasta, tomato basil sauce, turkey burger meat, garlic, and some other random seasoning i found. to my suprise- it came out not great, but way better than ramen. and the amount i made is enough to save for lunch or whatever meal you call around 4 pm (my 1st, usually). take care, and i'll actually be suprised if anyone reads this. 


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